Brave New World

Augmented Astro Art by Erin Ko

Layers of underwater photography, 3d Modeling, metal prints, IRL painting, and augmented reality in three series.

Created between 2011 through 2022.

 👉 Contact Me 👈  for a catalog of available works

We are the astronaut; our devices our space suits, social media our sponsors.
We are connected but separate, we seek transcendence, search the void, dependent on technology to lead us through the darkness.
The Astronauts in this series practice mudras, expressing our never-ending attempts at connecting with something bigger than ourselves.
We think the space suit protects us, yet the real accomplishment might be to lose it and touch the universe directly; despite the terror of suffocation.
The viewer is invited to join the astronaut in a (head)space walk via their own technology.


A free custom app for iPhone, iPad, Android devices reveals extra layers of content.


Mixed media, digital collage on aluminum with augmented reality layer (animated), aluminum edge mount. Hand painted original, Approximately 30” x 64”


Mixed media, digital collage on aluminum with
augmented reality layer (animated),
aluminum edge mount. Hand painted original, 16″ x 24



Moonage Day Dream

Mixed media, digital collage on aluminum with
augmented reality layer (animated),
aluminum edge mount. Hand painted original,
12″ x 12″


Brave New World

Mixed media, digital collage on aluminum with
augmented reality layer (animated),
aluminum edge mount. Hand painted original,
18″ x 24″


The Search

Mixed media, digital collage on aluminum with
augmented reality layer (animated),
aluminum edge mount. Hand painted original,
24″ x 48″
Life On Mars
Mixed media, digital collage on aluminum with augmented reality layer (animated), aluminum edge mount.  Hand painted original, 30″ x 40″